


dfcache 是 dragonfly 的缓存客户端


dfcache 是 dragonfly 的缓存客户端,它与 dfdaemon 交互来对 P2P 网络中的文件进行操 作,其中 P2P 网络充当缓存系统。

dfcache 和 dfget 的区别在于,dfget 从给定 URL 下载文件,文件可能在 P2P 网络中的 其他 Peer 或 Seed Peer 上,是 dfget 负责从 P2P 网络或者回源下载文件; 但是 dfcache 只能 导出或下载已被其他 Peer 导入/添加到 P2P 网络中的文件,是用户负责回源并将文件添 加到 P2P 网络中。

dfcache [subcommand] [flags]


  completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
delete delete file from P2P cache system
doc generate documents
export export file from P2P cache system
help Help about any command
import import file into P2P cache system
plugin show plugin
stat stat checks if a file exists in P2P cache system
version show version


           The caller name which is mainly used for statistics and access control
-i, --cid string content or cache ID, e.g. sha256 digest of the content
--config string the path of configuration file with yaml extension name, default is /etc/dragonfly/dfcache.yaml, it can also be set by env var: DFCACHE_CONFIG
--console whether logger output records to the stdout
-h, --help help for dfcache
--jaeger string jaeger endpoint url, like: http://localhost:14250/api/traces
--logdir string Dfcache log directory
--pprof-port int listen port for pprof, 0 represents random port (default -1)
--service-name string name of the service for tracer (default "dragonfly-dfcache")
-t, --tag string different tags for the same cid will be recognized as different files in P2P network
--timeout duration Timeout for this cache operation, 0 is infinite
--verbose whether logger use debug level
--workhome string Dfcache working directory

Stat 命令

dfcache stat <-i cid> [flags]

-h, --help help for stat
-l, --local only check task exists locally, and don't check other peers in P2P network

Import 命令

dfcache import <-i cid> <file>|<-I file> [flags]

-h, --help help for import
-I, --input string import the given file into P2P network

Export 命令

dfcache export <-i cid> <output>|<-O output> [flags]

-h, --help help for export
-l, --local only export file from local cache
-O, --output string export file path

Delete 命令

dfcache delete <-i cid> [flags]

-h, --help help for delete


# 添加文件到cache系统中
dfcache import --cid sha256:xxxxxx --tag testtag /path/to/file

# 检查文件是否在cache系统中
dfcache stat --cid testid --local # only check local cache
dfcache stat --cid testid # check other peers as well

# 从cache系统中下载/导出文件
dfcache export --cid testid -O /path/to/output

# 从cache系统中删除文件
dfcache delete -i testid -t testtag