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dfget is the client of Dragonfly used to download and upload files. The unix socket of the dfdaemon GRPC service needs to be used during the upload and download process of dfget. To use dfget, dfdaemon must be started.


dfget is the client of Dragonfly which takes a role of peer in a P2P network. When user triggers a file downloading task, dfget will download the pieces of file from other peers. Meanwhile, it will act as an uploader to support other peers to download pieces from it if it owns them. In addition, dfget has the abilities to provide more advanced functionality, such as network bandwidth limit, transmission encryption and so on.

dfget -O <OUTPUT> <URL>
dfget [command]


Usage: dfget [OPTIONS] --output <OUTPUT> <URL>

Specify the URL to download

-O, --output <OUTPUT>
Specify the output path of downloading file

-e, --endpoint <ENDPOINT>
Endpoint of dfdaemon's GRPC server

[default: /var/run/dragonfly/dfdaemon.sock]

--timeout <TIMEOUT>
Specify the timeout for downloading a file

[default: 2h]

--piece-length <PIECE_LENGTH>
Specify the byte length of the piece

[default: 4194304]

-d, --digest <DIGEST>
Verify the integrity of the downloaded file using the specified digest, e.g. md5:86d3f3a95c324c9479bd8986968f4327

[default: ]

-p, --priority <PRIORITY>
Specify the priority for scheduling task

[default: 6]

--application <APPLICATION>
Caller application which is used for statistics and access control

[default: ]

--tag <TAG>
Different tags for the same url will be divided into different tasks

[default: ]

-H, --header <HEADER>
Specify the header for downloading file, e.g. --header='Content-Type: application/json' --header='Accept: application/json'

--filtered-query-param <FILTERED_QUERY_PARAMS>
Filter the query parameters of the downloaded URL. If the download URL is the same, it will be scheduled as the same task, e.g. --filtered-query-param='signature' --filtered-query-param='timeout'

Disable back-to-source download when dfget download failed

--storage-region <STORAGE_REGION>
Specify the region for the Object Storage Service

--storage-endpoint <STORAGE_ENDPOINT>
Specify the endpoint for the Object Storage Service

--storage-access-key-id <STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY_ID>
Specify the access key ID for the Object Storage Service

--storage-access-key-secret <STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET>
Specify the access key secret for the Object Storage Service

--storage-session-token <STORAGE_SESSION_TOKEN>
Specify the session token for Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3)

--storage-credential-path <STORAGE_CREDENTIAL_PATH>
Specify the local path to credential file for Google Cloud Storage Service(GCS)

--storage-predefined-acl <STORAGE_PREDEFINED_ACL>
Specify the predefined ACL for Google Cloud Storage Service(GCS)

[default: publicRead]

--max-files <MAX_FILES>
Specify the max count of file to download when downloading a directory. If the actual file count is greater than this value, the downloading will be rejected

[default: 10]

--max-concurrent-requests <MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS>
Specify the max count of concurrent download files when downloading a directory

[default: 5]

-l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
Specify the logging level [trace, debug, info, warn, error]

[default: info]

--log-dir <LOG_DIR>
Specify the log directory

[default: /var/log/dragonfly/dfget]

--log-max-files <LOG_MAX_FILES>
Specify the max number of log files

[default: 6]

Specify whether to print log

-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')

-V, --version
Print version


Download with HTTP protocol

dfget https://<host>:<port>/<path> -O /tmp/file.txt

Download with S3 protocol

# Download a file.
dfget s3://<bucket>/<path> -O /tmp/file.txt --storage-access-key-id=<access_key_id> --storage-access-key-secret=<access_key_secret>

# Download a directory.
dfget s3://<bucket/<path>/ -O /tmp/path/ --storage-access-key-id=<access_key_id> --storage-access-key-secret=<access_key_secret>

Download with GCS protocol

# Download a file.
dfget gs://<bucket>/<path> -O /tmp/file.txt --storage-credential-path=<credential_path>

# Download a directory.
dfget gs://<bucket>/<path>/ -O /tmp/path/ --storage-credential-path=<credential_path>

Download with ABS protocol

# Download a file.
dfget abs://<container>/<path> -O /tmp/file.txt --storage-access-key-id=<account_name> --storage-access-key-secret=<account_key>

# Download a directory.
dfget abs://<container>/<path>/ -O /tmp/path/ --storage-access-key-id=<account_name> --storage-access-key-secret=<account_key>

Download with OSS protocol

# Download a file.
dfget oss://<bucket>/<path> -O /tmp/file.txt --storage-access-key-id=<access_key_id> --storage-access-key-secret=<access_key_secret> --storage-endpoint=<endpoint>

# Download a directory.
dfget oss://<bucket>/<path>/ -O /tmp/path/ --storage-access-key-id=<access_key_id> --storage-access-key-secret=<access_key_secret> --storage-endpoint=<endpoint>

Download with OBS protocol

# Download a file.
dfget obs://<bucket>/<path> -O /tmp/file.txt --storage-access-key-id=<access_key_id> --storage-access-key-secret=<access_key_secret> --storage-endpoint=<endpoint>

# Download a directory.
dfget obs://<bucket>/<path>/ -O /tmp/path/ --storage-access-key-id=<access_key_id> --storage-access-key-secret=<access_key_secret> --storage-endpoint=<endpoint>

Download with COS protocol

Note: The endpoint does not require BucketName-APPID, just

# Download a file.
dfget cos://<bucket>/<path> -O /tmp/file.txt --storage-access-key-id=<access_key_id> --storage-access-key-secret=<access_key_secret> --storage-endpoint=<endpoint>

# Download a directory.
dfget cos://<bucket>/<path>/ -O /tmp/path/ --storage-access-key-id=<access_key_id> --storage-access-key-secret=<access_key_secret> --storage-endpoint=<endpoint>

Download with HDFS protocol

dfget hdfs://<path>/file.txt -O /tmp/file.txt  --hdfs-delegation-token <hadoop_delegation_token>


1. set option --verbose if you want to print logs to Terminal
2. log path: /var/log/dragonfly/dfget/