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Version: v2.2.0


Manager is a process that runs in the background and plays the role of the brain of each subsystem cluster in Dragonfly. It is used to manage the dynamic configuration of each system module and provide functions such as heartbeat keeping alive, monitoring the market, and product functions.


manager [flags]
manager [command]

Available Commands

completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
doc generate documents
help Help about any command
plugin show plugin
version show version


    --config string         the path of configuration file with yaml extension name, default is /etc/dragonfly/manager.yaml, it can also be set by env var: MANAGER_CONFIG
--console whether logger output records to the stdout
-h, --help help for manager
--jaeger string jaeger endpoint url, like: http://localhost:14250/api/traces
--pprof-port int listen port for pprof, 0 represents random port (default -1)
--service-name string name of the service for tracer (default "dragonfly-manager")
--verbose whether logger use debug level


1. set option --console if you want to print logs to Terminal
2. log path: /var/log/dragonfly/manager/