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Version: v2.2.0


Scheduler is a long-running process which receives and manages download tasks from the client, notify the seed peer to return to the source, generate and maintain a P2P network during the download process, and push suitable download nodes to the client


scheduler [flags]
scheduler [command]

Available Commands

completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
doc generate documents
help Help about any command
plugin show plugin
version show version


      --config string         the path of configuration file with yaml extension name, default is /etc/dragonfly/scheduler.yaml, it can also be set by env var: SCHEDULER_CONFIG
--console whether logger output records to the stdout
-h, --help help for scheduler
--jaeger string jaeger endpoint url, like: http://localhost:14250/api/traces
--pprof-port int listen port for pprof, 0 represents random port (default -1)
--service-name string name of the service for tracer (default "dragonfly-scheduler")
--verbose whether logger use debug level


1. set option --console if you want to print logs to Terminal
2. log path: /var/log/dragonfly/scheduler/