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Version: v2.0.4


Configure Manager YAML File

The default path for the manager yaml configuration file is /etc/dragonfly/manager.yaml in linux, and the default path is $HOME/.dragonfly/config/manager.yaml in darwin.

# current server info used for server
# grpc server configure
# listen address
# listen port, manager will try to listen
# when this port is not available, manager will try next port
start: 65003
end: 65003
# rest server configure
# stand address
addr: :8080
# front-end console resource path
# publicPath: /dist

# database info used for server
# mysql configure
user: dragonfly
password: dragonfly
host: dragonfly
port: 3306
dbname: manager
migrate: true
# tlsConfig: preferred
# tls:
# # client certificate file path
# cert: /etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem
# # client key file path
# key: /etc/ssl/private/key.pem
# # ca file path
# ca: /etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem
# # whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name.
# insecureSkipVerify: true
# redis configure
password: dragonfly
host: dragonfly
port: 6379
db: 0
# manager server cache
# cache:
# # redis cache configure
# redis:
# # cache ttl configure
# ttl: 30s
# # local cache configure
# local:
# # lfu cache size
# size: 10000
# # cache ttl configure
# ttl: 10s

# enable prometheus metrics
# metrics:
# # manager enable metrics service
# enable: false
# # metrics service address
# addr: ":8000"
# # enable peer gauge metrics.
# enablePeerGauge: true

# console shows log on console
console: false

# whether to enable debug level logger and enable pprof
verbose: false

# listen port for pprof, only valid when the verbose option is true
# default is -1. If it is 0, pprof will use a random port.
pprof-port: -1

# jaeger endpoint url, like: http://jaeger.dragonfly.svc:14268/api/traces
jaeger: ''