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Version: v2.0.6

Plugin Develop

There are two types plugin in dragonfly:

  • In-tree plugin: The source code need be placed in dragonfly and then rebuild all components

  • Out-of-tree plugin: The source code can be out of dragonfly code, just need to rebuild with same golang compile environment

In-tree plugin is easy to develop, build and run. New plugin users should use this mechanism to extend dragonfly.

In-tree Plugin

In-tree plugin is working in progress, only supported in main branch.

In-tree Resource Plugin for Dfget

The resource plugin is used to download custom resource like dfget -u dfs://host:56001/path/to/resource.

All resource plugins need to implement and register it to manager

// ResourceClient defines the API interface to interact with source.
type ResourceClient interface {
// GetContentLength get length of resource content
// return source.UnknownSourceFileLen if response status is not StatusOK and StatusPartialContent
GetContentLength(request *Request) (int64, error)

// IsSupportRange checks if resource supports breakpoint continuation
// return false if response status is not StatusPartialContent
IsSupportRange(request *Request) (bool, error)

// IsExpired checks if a resource received or stored is the same.
// return false and non-nil err to prevent the source from exploding if
// fails to get the result, it is considered that the source has not expired
IsExpired(request *Request, info *ExpireInfo) (bool, error)

// Download downloads from source
Download(request *Request) (*Response, error)

// GetLastModified gets last modified timestamp milliseconds of resource
GetLastModified(request *Request) (int64, error)

In-tree Example Code

1. In-tree Plugin code

Example code dragonfly/pkg/source/clients/example/dfs.go:

package example

import (


const scheme = "dfs"

var data = "hello world"

type client struct {

func init() {
if err := source.Register(scheme, New(), nil); err != nil {

func New() source.ResourceClient {
return &client{}

func (c *client) GetContentLength(request *source.Request) (int64, error) {
return int64(len(data)), nil

func (c *client) IsSupportRange(request *source.Request) (bool, error) {
return false, nil

func (c *client) IsExpired(request *source.Request, info *source.ExpireInfo) (bool, error) {
panic("implement me")

func (c *client) Download(request *source.Request) (*source.Response, error) {
return source.NewResponse(io.NopCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(data))), nil

func (c *client) GetLastModified(request *source.Request) (int64, error) {
panic("implement me")

2. Register to client manager

Example code pkg/source/loader/dfs.go:

package loader

import (
_ "" // Register dfs client

3. Build and list plugins

Build manually:

# build dfget
make build-dfget
# verify with dfget plugin command
bin/`go env GOOS`_`go env GOARCH`/dfget plugin

Example output:

source plugin: dfs, location: in-tree
source plugin: http, location: in-tree
source plugin: https, location: in-tree
source plugin: oss, location: in-tree
search plugin in /Users/d7y/.dragonfly/plugins
no out of tree plugin found

The source plugin: dfs, location: in-tree is the new plugin we added.

Out-of-tree Plugin

All compiled out-of-tree plugins need to place in /usr/local/dragonfly/plugins/.

dragonfly use golang plugin to build its out-of-tree plugins, refer:

Resource Plugin for Dfget

The resource plugin is used to download custom resource like dfget -u d7yfs://host:56001/path/to/resource.

All resource plugins need to implement and a function

func DragonflyPluginInit(option map[string]string) (interface{}, map[string]string, error).

// ResourceClient defines the API interface to interact with source.
type ResourceClient interface {
// GetContentLength get length of resource content
// return source.UnknownSourceFileLen if response status is not StatusOK and StatusPartialContent
GetContentLength(request *Request) (int64, error)

// IsSupportRange checks if resource supports breakpoint continuation
// return false if response status is not StatusPartialContent
IsSupportRange(request *Request) (bool, error)

// IsExpired checks if a resource received or stored is the same.
// return false and non-nil err to prevent the source from exploding if
// fails to get the result, it is considered that the source has not expired
IsExpired(request *Request, info *ExpireInfo) (bool, error)

// Download downloads from source
Download(request *Request) (*Response, error)

// GetLastModified gets last modified timestamp milliseconds of resource
GetLastModified(request *Request) (int64, error)

Example Code

1. main.go
package main

import (


var data = "hello world"

var _ source.ResourceClient = (*client)(nil)

var (
buildCommit = "unknown"
buildTime = "unknown"
vendor = "d7y"

type client struct {

func (c *client) GetContentLength(request *source.Request) (int64, error) {
return int64(len(data)), nil

func (c *client) IsSupportRange(request *source.Request) (bool, error) {
return false, nil

func (c *client) IsExpired(request *source.Request, info *source.ExpireInfo) (bool, error) {
panic("implement me")

func (c *client) Download(request *source.Request) (*source.Response, error) {
return source.NewResponse(io.NopCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(data))), nil

func (c *client) DownloadWithExpireInfo(request *source.Request) (io.ReadCloser, *source.ExpireInfo, error) {
return io.NopCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(data)), nil, nil

func (c *client) GetLastModified(request *source.Request) (int64, error) {
panic("implement me")

func DragonflyPluginInit(option map[string]string) (interface{}, map[string]string, error) {
return &client{}, map[string]string{
"scheme": "d7yfs",
"type": "resource",
"name": "d7yfs",
"buildCommit": buildCommit,
"buildTime": buildTime,
"vendor": vendor,
}, nil

2. go.mod

go 1.18

require v2.0.1

require ( v0.0.0-20181008091004-fed159eddc2a // indirect v0.9.1 // indirect v1.9.0 // indirect v1.5.0 // indirect v1.16.0 // indirect v1.39.0 // indirect v3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b // indirect

// fix golang build error: `plugin was built with a different version of package`
replace => /dragonfly


We have created a plugin builder in docker, follow this document. With the plugin builder, go.mod will be ignored.

1. Build plugin with target dragonfly commit

Update D7Y_COMMIT in the following script.

# golang plugin need cgo
# original dragonfly image is built with CGO_ENABLED=0 for alpine linux
# "dfdaemon" need to re-compile with CGO_ENABLED=1
export CGO_ENABLED="1"

# ensure same commit of code base
git clone /dragonfly && git reset --hard ${D7Y_COMMIT}
(cd /dragonfly && make build-dfget)

# build plugin
BUILD_TIME=$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
BUILD_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
go mod tidy
go build -ldflags="-X main.buildTime=${BUILD_TIME} -X main.buildCommit=${BUILD_COMMIT}" \
-buildmode=plugin -o=/usr/local/dragonfly/plugins/ ./main.go
2. Validate plugin
/dragonfly/bin/linux_amd64/dfget plugin

Example output:

search plugin in /usr/local/dragonfly/plugins
resource plugin d7yfs, location:, attribute: {"buildCommit":"bb65f13","buildTime":"2021-12-13T08:53:04Z","name":"d7yfs","scheme":"d7yfs","type":"resource","vendor":"d7y"}