


dfget 是 Dragonfly 中用来下载和上传文件的客户端。


dfget 是 Dragonfly 中用来下载和上传文件的客户端,也是 p2p 网络中的一个 peer。当用户发起文件下载请求时, dfget 将从其他 peer 下载文件。同时,它也能作为上传者,让其他 peer 下载它已拥有的那部分文件。 此外,dfget 还提供了一些高级功能,如网络带宽限制、加密传输等。

dfget url -O path [flags]
dfget [command]


  completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
daemon start the client daemon of dragonfly
doc generate documents
help Help about any command
plugin show plugin
version show version


      --accept-regex string   Recursively download only. Specify a regular expression to accept the complete URL. In this case, you have to enclose the pattern into quotes to prevent your shell from expanding it
--config string the path of configuration file with yaml extension name, it can also be set by env var: DFGET_CONFIG
--console whether logger output records to the stdout
--daemon-sock string Download socket path of daemon. In linux, default value is /var/run/dfdaemon.sock, in macos(just for testing), default value is /tmp/dfdaemon.sock
--digest string Check the integrity of the downloaded file with digest, in format of md5:xxx or sha256:yyy
--disable-back-source Disable downloading directly from source when the daemon fails to download file
--filter string Filter the query parameters of the url, P2P overlay is the same one if the filtered url is same, in format of key&sign, which will filter 'key' and 'sign' query parameters
-H, --header strings url header, eg: --header='Accept: *' --header='Host: abc'
-h, --help help for dfget
--jaeger string jaeger endpoint url, like: http://localhost:14250/api/traces
--level uint Recursively download only. Set the maximum number of subdirectories that dfget will recurse into. Set to 0 for no limit (default 5)
-l, --list Recursively download only. List all urls instead of downloading them.
--logdir string Dfget log directory
--original-offset Range request only. Download ranged data into target file with original offset. Daemon will make a hardlink to target file. Client can download many ranged data into one file for same url. When enabled, back source in client will be disabled
-O, --output string Destination path which is used to store the downloaded file, it must be a full path
-P, --priority string Scheduler will schedule task according to priority
--pprof-port int listen port for pprof, 0 represents random port (default -1)
--range string Download range. Like: 0-9, stands download 10 bytes from 0 -9, [0:9] in real url
--ratelimit string The downloading network bandwidth limit per second in format of G(B)/g/M(B)/m/K(B)/k/B, pure number will be parsed as Byte, 0 is infinite (default "100.0MB")
-r, --recursive Recursively download all resources in target url, the target source client must support list action
--reject-regex string Recursively download only. Specify a regular expression to reject the complete URL. In this case, you have to enclose the pattern into quotes to prevent your shell from expanding it
--service-name string name of the service for tracer (default "dragonfly-dfget")
-b, --show-progress Show progress bar, it conflicts with --console
--tag string Different tags for the same url will be divided into different P2P overlay, it conflicts with --digest
--timeout duration Timeout for the downloading task, 0 is infinite
-u, --url string Download one file from the url, equivalent to the command's first position argument
--verbose whether logger use debug level
--workhome string Dfget working directory


使用 HTTP 协议下载

dfget -O /path/to/output -u "http://example.com/object"

使用 OSS 协议下载

蜻蜓支持从阿里云对象存储服务(OSS)直接下载对象。直接使用 dfget 命令即可。


Header 解释:

Endpoint: OSS Endpoint, 参考: Alibaba Cloud

AccessKeyID: OSS AccessKey ID

AccessKeySecret: OSS AccessKey Secret

--filter "Expires&Signature" 是用来为相同对象在不同机器上下载的时候生成唯一任务 ID 使用的。

oss://bucket/path/to/object 是指定桶和路径的.

dfget --header "Endpoint: https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com" \
--header "AccessKeyID: id" \
--header "AccessKeySecret: secret" \
--url oss://bucket/path/to/object \
--output /path/to/output \
--filter "Expires&Signature"


1. 终端日志输出需要增加命令行参数 --console
2. 正常情况日志目录: /var/log/dragonfly/dfget/

dfget daemon

Daemon 可选参数

--accept-regex string Recursively download only. Specify a regular expression to accept the complete URL. In this case, you have to enclose the pattern into quotes to prevent your shell from expanding it
--config string the path of configuration file with yaml extension name, default is /etc/dragonfly/dfget.yaml, it can also be set by env var: DFGET_CONFIG
--console whether logger output records to the stdout
--digest string Check the integrity of the downloaded file with digest, in format of md5:xxx or sha256:yyy
--disable-back-source Disable downloading directly from source when the daemon fails to download file
--filter string Filter the query parameters of the url, P2P overlay is the same one if the filtered url is same, in format of key&sign, which will filter 'key' and 'sign' query parameters
-H, --header strings url header, eg: --header='Accept: *' --header='Host: abc'
-h, --help help for dfget
--jaeger string jaeger endpoint url, like: http://localhost:14250/api/traces
--level uint Recursively download only. Set the maximum number of subdirectories that dfget will recurse into. Set to 0 for no limit (default 5)
--limit string The downloading network bandwidth limit per second in format of G(B)/g/M(B)/m/K(B)/k/B, pure number will be parsed as Byte, 0 is infinite (default "0.0B")
-l, --list Recursively download only. List all urls instead of downloading them.
--logdir string Dfget log directory
-O, --output string Destination path which is used to store the downloaded file, it must be a full path
--pprof-port int listen port for pprof, 0 represents random port (default -1)
-r, --recursive Recursively download all resources in target url, the target source client must support list action
--reject-regex string Recursively download only. Specify a regular expression to reject the complete URL. In this case, you have to enclose the pattern into quotes to prevent your shell from expanding it
--service-name string name of the service for tracer (default "dragonfly-dfget")
-b, --show-progress Show progress bar, it conflicts with --console
--tag string Different tags for the same url will be divided into different P2P overlay, it conflicts with --digest
--timeout duration Timeout for the downloading task, 0 is infinite
-u, --url string Download one file from the url, equivalent to the command's first position argument
--verbose whether logger use debug level
--workhome string Dfget working directory

Daemon 日志

1. 终端日志输出需要增加命令行参数 --console
2. 正常情况日志目录: /var/log/dragonfly/daemon/