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Version: v2.0.4


Configure Dfdaemon YAML File

The default path for the dfdaemon yaml configuration file is /etc/dragonfly/dfget.yaml in linux, and the default path is $HOME/.dragonfly/config/dfget.yaml in darwin.

# daemon alive time, when sets 0s, daemon will not auto exit
# it is useful for longtime running
aliveTime: 0s

# daemon gc task running interval
gcInterval: 1m0s

# daemon work directory, daemon will change current working directory to this
# in linux, default value is /usr/local/dragonfly
# in macos(just for testing), default value is /Users/$USER/.dragonfly
workHome: ''

# cacheDir is dynconfig cache storage directory
# in linux, default value is /var/cache/dragonfly
# in macos(just for testing), default value is /Users/$USER/.dragonfly/cache
cacheDir: ''

# logDir is the log storage directory
# in linux, default value is /var/log/dragonfly
# in macos(just for testing), default value is /Users/$USER/.dragonfly/logs
logDir: ''

# dataDir is the download data storage directory
# in linux, default value is /var/lib/dragonfly
# in macos(just for testing), default value is /Users/$USER/.dragonfly/data
dataDir: ''

# when daemon exit, keep peer task data or not
# it is usefully when upgrade daemon service, all local cache will be saved
# default is false
keepStorage: false

# console shows log on console
console: false

# whether to enable debug level logger and enable pprof
verbose: false

# listen port for pprof, only valid when the verbose option is true
# default is -1. If it is 0, pprof will use a random port.
pprof-port: -1

# jaeger endpoint url, like: http://jaeger.dragonfly.svc:14268/api/traces
jaeger: ''

# all addresses of all schedulers
# the schedulers of all daemons should be same in one region or zone.
# daemon will send tasks to a fixed scheduler by hashing the task url and meta data
# caution: only tcp is supported
# get scheduler list dynamically from manager
enable: false
# manager service addresses
- type: tcp
addr: manager-service:65003
# scheduler list refresh interval
refreshInterval: 5m
# seed peer configuration
# dfdaemon enabled seed peer mode
enable: false
# seed peer type includes super, strong and weak
type: super
# seed peer cluster id
clusterID: 1
# keep alive internal
internal: 5s
# schedule timeout
scheduleTimeout: 30s
# when true, only scheduler says back source, daemon can back source
disableAutoBackSource: false
# below example is a stand address
- type: tcp
addr: scheduler-service:8002

# current host info used for scheduler
# tcp service listen address
# port should be set by other options
# access ip for other peers
# when local ip is different with access ip, advertiseIP should be set
# geographical location, separated by "|" characters
location: ''
# idc deployed by daemon
idc: ''
# security domain deployed by daemon, network isolation between different security domains
securityDomain: ''
# network topology, separated by "|" characters
netTopology: ''
# daemon hostname
# hostname: ""

# download service option
# calculate digest when transfer files, set false to save memory
calculateDigest: true
# total download limit per second
totalRateLimit: 200Mi
# per peer task download limit per second
perPeerRateLimit: 100Mi
# download piece timeout
pieceDownloadTimeout: 30s
# golang transport option
# dial timeout
dialTimeout: 2s
# keep alive
keepAlive: 30s
# same with http.Transport.MaxIdleConns
maxIdleConns: 100
# same with http.Transport.IdleConnTimeout
idleConnTimeout: 90s
# same with http.Transport.ResponseHeaderTimeout
responseHeaderTimeout: 2s
# same with http.Transport.TLSHandshakeTimeout
tlsHandshakeTimeout: 1s
# same with http.Transport.ExpectContinueTimeout
expectContinueTimeout: 2s
# download grpc option
# security option
insecure: true
cacert: ''
cert: ''
key: ''
tlsVerify: true
tlsConfig: null
# download service listen address
# current, only support unix domain socket
# in linux, default value is /var/run/dfdaemon.sock
# in macos(just for testing), default value is /tmp/dfdaemon.sock
socket: /var/run/dfdaemon.sock
# peer grpc option
# peer grpc service send pieces info to other peers
insecure: true
cacert: ''
cert: ''
key: ''
tlsVerify: true
# listen address
# listen port, daemon will try to listen
# when this port is not available, daemon will try next port
port: 65000
# if want to limit upper port, please use blow format
# port:
# start: 65000
# end: 65009

# upload service option
# upload limit per second
rateLimit: 100Mi
insecure: true
cacert: ''
cert: ''
key: ''
tlsVerify: false
# listen address
# listen port, daemon will try to listen
# when this port is not available, daemon will try next port
port: 65002
# if want to limit upper port, please use blow format
# port:
# start: 65020
# end: 65029

# peer task storage option
# task data expire time
# when there is no access to a task data, this task will be gc.
taskExpireTime: 6h
# storage strategy when process task data
# : download file to data directory first, then copy to output path, this is default action
# the download file in date directory will be the peer data for uploading to other peers
# download file directly to output path with postfix, hard link to final output,
# avoid copy to output path, fast than simple strategy, but:
# the output file with postfix will be the peer data for uploading to other peers
# when user delete or change this file, this peer data will be corrupted
# default is
# disk quota gc threshold, when the quota of all tasks exceeds the gc threshold, the oldest tasks will be reclaimed.
diskGCThreshold: 50Gi
# disk used percent gc threshold, when the disk used percent exceeds, the oldest tasks will be reclaimed.
# eg, diskGCThresholdPercent=80, when the disk usage is above 80%, start to gc the oldest tasks
diskGCThresholdPercent: 80
# set to ture for reusing underlying storage for same task id
multiplex: true

# proxy service config file location or detail config
# proxy: ""

# proxy service detail option
# filter for hash url
# when defaultFilter: "Expires&Signature&ns", for example:
# http://localhost/xyz?Expires=111&Signature=222& and http://localhost/xyz?Expires=333&Signature=999&
# is same task
defaultFilter: 'Expires&Signature&ns'
insecure: true
cacert: ''
cert: ''
key: ''
tlsVerify: false
# namespace stands the linux net namespace, like /proc/1/ns/net
# it's useful for running daemon in pod with ip allocated and listening the special port in host net namespace
# Linux only
namespace: ''
# listen address
# listen port, daemon will try to listen
# when this port is not available, daemon will try next port
port: 65001
# if want to limit upper port, please use blow format
# port:
# start: 65020
# end: 65029
# when enable, using header "X-Dragonfly-Registry" for remote instead of url
dynamic: true
# url for the registry mirror
# whether to ignore https certificate errors
insecure: true
# optional certificates if the remote server uses self-signed certificates
certs: []
# whether to request the remote registry directly
direct: false
# whether to use proxies to decide if dragonfly should be used
useProxies: false

# proxy all http image layer download requests with dfget
- regx: blobs/sha256.*
# change http requests to some-registry to https and proxy them with dfget
- regx: some-registry/
useHTTPS: true
# proxy requests directly, without dfget
- regx: no-proxy-reg
direct: true
# proxy requests with redirect
- regx: some-registry
redirect: another-registry
# the same with url rewrite like apache ProxyPass directive
- regx: ^http://some-registry/(.*)
redirect: http://another-registry/$1

# key pair used to hijack https requests
cert: ''
key: ''
- regx: # regexp to match request hosts
# whether to ignore https certificate errors
insecure: true
# optional certificates if the host uses self-signed certificates
certs: []
# max tasks to download same time, 0 is no limit
maxConcurrency: 0
# the host of the whitelist
- host: ''
# match whitelist hosts
# port that need to be added to the whitelist
# setup basic auth for proxy
username: 'admin'
password: 'password'
# prometheus metrics address
# metrics: ':8000'